“Art break” haiku for Keith Haring

Keith Haring, May 4, 1958 — Feb. 16, 1990

Google “Keith Haring”
Google anything today
And check out his art

That’s right, he’s the dude
And doodler extraordinaire
Whose lines burst with life

Inspired by Disney
And Seuss, no wonder his work’s
So vibrant, direct

Subway chalk drawings,
NYC, drew attention,
Seat on train to fame

“Radiant Baby”
Showed simplicity’s power
Lines, colors, and shapes

Circle expanded
Warhol, Grace Jones, Madonna,
Basquiat, Burroughs

But he stayed focused,
Helped causes, made public art
People could enjoy

He got HIV
Joined efforts to fight AIDS, but
HIV got him

So young to leave us
But true pictures do not die
Radiant baby